My name is Mary Griffiths
I am a qualified ESOL teacher with 16 years experience teaching Entry Level adults in London colleges. I left my college job last year and now teach yoga. I am writing and recording yoga classes for ESOL students to help them with English grammar, vocabulary and fluency.
If you are a non native English speaker (any level) and would like to be part of this exciting project please let me know. I am looking for volunteers to help me trial the course before it goes on sale.
You are invited to join my private Facebook Group: ESOL Yoga where I will be posting updates about the live sessions and useful resources. Use the group to talk and interact with each other.
Join here: ESOL Yoga
Session 1 - Recording 12th March 2023
Introduction and yoga class
Session 2 - Recording 19th March 2023
Introducing ourselves: My name is ...... I come from ...........
Vocabulary: yoga mat, yoga block, cushion, small blanket
Sitting cross legged (legs crossed), legs in front, kneeling
Session 3 - Recording 26th March 2023
Awaiting upload
Session 4 - Recording 2nd April 2023
Suitable for ESOL levels from E1 upwards (not pre-entry)
Session 1A - Recording 28th May 2023
Start of the new course in development
yoga equipment - Blocks/Bricks/Belt/Mat
Shapes/sizes - Round/Circular, Rectangle/Rectangular, Long
Improvised equipment - Cushion/Pillow/Belt
American English = Bathrobe, British English = Dressing Gown
Sitting - Crosslegged/Legs in front/kneeling
Seated Warm up
Hamstring stretches using Yoga or Improvised Belt
Session 2 - Recording 4th June 2023
Recap of last week's vocabulary
New Vocabulary:
Parts of the Body: Thigh, thumbs, heel
Sitting: kneeling
Seated Warm up
Moon Salutation with Runner and Sphinx
Session 3 - Recording 11th June 2023
Recap of vocabulary
Breathing: Sitali Breath = Cooling Breath where you curl up the sides of the tongue (if you can), purse the lips - as though you are kissing with the mouth slightly open, suck cool air along the tongue to the back of the mouth
Note: My internet had problems for a short time so this recording includes peer teaching of Sitali Breath!
Session 4 - Recording 18th June 2023
Recap of past weeks - Conversation before recording starts was about the weather
"It is too hot today. I feel very hot."
After practising the Cooling Breath: "I felt hot, I feel cooler now."
Recap: Siltali Breath = Cooling Breath - see last week's description above
Yoga = Seated Warm up, Moon Salutation/Chandra Namaskar, Relaxation/Corpse Pose/Savasana
Session 5 - Recording 2nd July 2023
Eagle Pose/Garudasana:
Adjectives describing the appearance and qualities of an eagle
Vocabulary for body parts
Yoga = Seated Warm up, Dead Bug, Hamstring Stretches, Eagle Pose kneeling, lying down/supine and standing balance
Relaxation/Corpse Pose/Savasana - relaxing the body from the feet to the head
Session 6 - Recording 9th July 2023
Recap of Eagle Post/Garudasana as taught in Session 5
Deer Pose
Session 7 - Recording 23rd July 2023
Recap of Deer Pose as taught in Session 6
Dru Sequence: Sun Salutation
opposites - Yin/Yang, Moon/Sun, Male/Female, Hot/Cold, Wild/Tame
Discussion about wild animals in Romford area: badgers, foxes, deer
Nuisance, Pests, cull/control
Collective Noun for deer = herd
Yin/Yang, Ha/Tha qualities
Zoom classes take place most Sundays 1.00 to 2.00pm BST. Please email with your name and details to be included in the pilot sessions - free while the course is still in development to non-native English speakers who want to improve their English skills (grammar and fluency) while practising yoga. No previous yoga experience required.
Next session planned for 17th September
Online (zoom) 1.00 to 2.00pm UK time
All levels of English and Yoga from pre-entry upwards welcome
No charge
263 903 7609